
Morgan State University has a rich tradition when it comes to symbols— Holmes Hall, the clock tower, the Morgan Bear, and many others. However, many of our symbols had remained unchanged for many years. In addition, as new symbols appeared through the years, there was no uniformity in Morgan related artwork or in the standards for its use. As a result, a committee was formed to review Morgan’s artwork and to work together with a graphic design firm to develop a graphic identity program for the University. The committee was composed of a variety of representatives from campus areas of interests, including students, academic, alumni, administrative, public relations, computing, etc. all with a slightly different perspective on Morgan’s artwork and its uses. The graphic identity committee approached its task with much excitement and enthusiasm. Its task was to evaluate all of the University’s current symbols and determine ways in which the University’s artwork could be improved. The committee also explored new artwork concepts.

After numerous meetings and dozens of artwork samples, the committee unanimously agreed to the artwork you will see in this booklet. Please review the specifications and guidelines for all Morgan State University symbols and marks in this booklet. The marks contained in this booklet are the only marks which are authorized for use by official university offices.

Effective immediately, all new orders for University stationery, envelopes, and other media that bear Morgan marks are to use the new marks. We invite you to join us as we incorporate the new look to Morgan State University in all areas communication.

view Graphic Identity Manual

Morgan State University • 1700 East Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore MD 21251 • 443.885.3333
©Morgan State University.