Primary Colors

Color is one of the most important elements of the Morgan State University identity system. The colors on the right are the official colors for Morgan State. Morgan State logos should not be reproduced in any other colors. If these colors are not available, the logos should be printed in all black or reversed in white (whichever offers the best contrast).**

Morgan Blue
in lieu of which use *Pantone® 288
Process Equivalent: 100C-65M-30K
RGB: 27R-67G-131B
Hex: #1B4383

Morgan Orange
in lieu of which use Pantone® 1655
Process Equivalent: 65M-87Y
RGB: 244R-121G-55B
Hex: #F47937

Secondary Colors

In addition to the official school colors shown above, the Morgan State identity system utilizes brown and gold as important support colors. Brown is used as the color of the bear and gold is used as an additional outline color.

Morgan Brown
in lieu of which use *Pantone® 728
Process Equivalent: 18M-43Y-11K
RGB: 228R-191G-140B
Hex: #E4BF8C

Morgan Gold
in lieu of which use Pantone® 136
Process Equivalent: 27M-79Y
RGB: 254R-191G-80
Hex: #FEBF50

Support Colors

In addition to the colors shown above, the Morgan State identity system utilizes black and white as important support colors. Black and white help to add contrast to Morgan Blue and Morgan Orange. When the official colors are not available, most Morgan State logos and art may be printed in all black or reversed in all white (whichever offers the best contrast).**

in lieu of which use Pantone Black C
CMYK: 67C-66M-69Y-77K
RGB: 33R-28G-24B
Hex: #211C18


*Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. The colors shown on this page and throughout this manual are not intended to match the PANTONE Color Standards. For the PANTONE Color Standards, refer to the current edition of the PANTONE Color Formula Guide 1000.
**See individual artwork guidelines.

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Morgan State University • 1700 East Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore MD 21251 • 443.885.3333
©2010 Morgan State University.